+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl

Seminaria i konferencje

Wines of Portugal Academy in Wrocław

Całodniowe Wines of Portugal Academy in Wrocław

PPCC webinar by Advicero Nexia – “Transactions between Related Entities – Deadlines and Obligations in 2020″

11:00 - 12:00 PPCC webinar by Advicero Nexia - “Transactions between Related Entities – Deadlines and Obligations in 2020"

Wines of Portugal Academy

10/07/2020 - 11/07/2020
Całodniowe Wines of Portugal Academy

PPCC RES Webinar: Energy Market and Power Prices in Poland 2020

09:30 - 11:15 PPCC RES Webinar: Energy Market and Power Prices in Poland 2020

WEBINAR: Co zmienia się w podatkach na 2021 rok?

11:00 - 11:45 WEBINAR: Co zmienia się w podatkach na 2021 rok?

WEBINAR: „Portuguese wines in Poland. Trade perspectives, challenges and instruments of support.”

11:00 - 12:00 WEBINAR: "Portuguese wines in Poland. Trade perspectives, challenges and instruments of support."