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PPCC RES Webinar: Energy Market and Power Prices in Poland 2020

09-06-2020 CzłonkowieExpert RadziSeminaria i konferencje

In the last months, power prices in Poland are the reason for tremendous concerns among companies and organizations for which energy is a significant fixed cost in their daily operations. Is it possible to optimize it somehow? Can we plan efficiently the energy purchases in the long term so that its price does not become an obstacle for further development of our businesses?

We will try to answer these and other questions during the “PPCC-RES: Energy Market and Power Prices in Poland” meeting. During the event, representatives of companies that are Members of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) will share their thoughts on this subject and show whether they see any possibility of cooperation between them and other entities for which energy is an important element of the operational costs.


09h30 – Welcome Speech – Joaquim Barbosa, PPCC Vice-President – 5 min.

09h35 – Energy Market Outlook – Christian Schnell, Sollivan – 15 min.

09h50 – Regulatory framework – Rafał Hajduk, DZP – 15 min.

10h05 – Auctions – Janusz Gajowiecki, PSEW – 15 min.

10h20 – Corporate PPAs – market track record so far and prospects – Michał Lubieniecki, Deloitte – 15 min.

10h35 – Construction risks in wind and solar farms building process – Bartosz Sobolewski & Kamil Kosiarski, CJR Renewables – 15 min.

11h00 – Q&A for participants / Wrap-up


Registration link (necessary): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_szuX4uSFRXGdn1vBZi02eA

The Webinar will be held in English and can host up to 100 participants.


Below you will find the invitation in pdf format.

June 9th PPCC_Webinar-Energy_Market