In the face of recent events across our eastern border, the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian nation.
The community of people of Ukrainian origin living in Poland is very large and constitute dominating majority of foreigners in Poland. They are our colleagues, clients, neighbors that we meet and work with every day.
The Chamber will open paid internship position in our Warsaw office (or virtually from other cities) for Portuguese speaking Ukrainian citizens that were forced to leave their country and are seeking work in Poland in the field of international business promotion (markets of: Poland, Portugal, Brazil). Please contact us here or at wb@ppcc.pl.
In these extremely difficult moments, PPCC and its Members support our Ukrainian friends affected by the war. Many of our member Companies are already offering support to individuals, employees and clients being Ukrainians or dealing with Ukraine as a business partner.
As information is key the PPCC will prepare a list of our Member foundations and initiatives available to make search easier for those who look for it.
Additionally, please find below a list of organizations that help those who need it most:
- Polish Humanitarian Action: https://www.pah.org.pl/
- Polish Red Cross: https://pck.pl/na-pomoc-ukrainie/
- Polish Center for International Aid: https://pcpm.org.pl/ukraina
- Caritas Poland: https://caritas.pl/ukraina/
- Unicef: https://unicef.pl/chce-pomoc/nasze-akcje/pomoc-dla-ukrainy
- Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce: https://www.pol-ukr.com/pomoc-ukrainie/
- „Help Ukraine” Government Website: https://pomagamukrainie.gov.pl/