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PPCC Letter sent to the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland

17-08-2017 Wiadomości

As many of you might have noticed, on 18 July 2017 the Polish Council of Ministers submitted to the Parliament a draft proposal allowing the President to unilaterally terminate the current agreement on the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments, signed between Poland and Portugal on 11 March 1993. The primary grounds stated in the written reasoning is the European Commission’s negative attitude toward intra-EU BITs (i.e. BITs between EU Member States) and purported doubts as to whether the Poland-Portugal BIT is in accordance with EU law.

Given the importance of the subject, attached please find a letter sent by the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) to the Ministry of Economic Development of Poland, with our voice on this matter (with working translation version in English).

Detailed information on the subject may be found on following links:

http://orka.sejm.gov.pl/Druki8ka.nsf/Projekty/8-020-644-2017/$file/8-020-644-2017.pdf  (draft proposal with written reasoning)



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