Belgian Chamber of Commerce, British-Polish Chamber of Commerce, French-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce, Irish-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Dutch-Polish Chamber of Commerce, Polish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Polish-German Chamber of Commerce, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, and Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce are organizing Speed Business Meeting, which will take place on November 25, 2020, between 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. in an online formula.
Speed Business Meeting is the only formula where a company representative can reach a wide range of recipients with his offer (cooperation between several bilateral chambers). The participant has the opportunity to take part in a series of short meetings with representatives of selected industries.
The interviewees will be divided into groups based on the previously completed application form. Each participant will receive an individual conversation schedule with 5 persons. The organizers, however, do not guarantee meetings with companies from each of the industries that the participant has marked on the application form. Instead of the traditional exchange of business cards, this time we encourage you to join the special Linkedin group! Each participant will receive a link to a closed group on LinkedIn in the confirmation of participation.
Participation in the event requires prior registration (max. 1 person from the company). The cost of participation for the PPCC Members is covered by the PPCC. The applications should be sent until November 23rd. A link to the Application Form may be found here.
12.00 – 12.50 Registration, technical support
13.00 – 13.15 – Opening and debate
13.15 – 15.15 – Business Mixer