are pleased to invite you to the
Speed Business Meeting
on Thursday, 23rd of June 2016 at 18.00
Mamaison Hotel Le Regina, Kościelna 12, Warsaw
Speed Business Meeting is a unique formula in which participants take part in a series of direct meetings, during which you will have a chance to present your company, exchange business cards, make new contacts and find new customers, suppliers, investors…
17.45-18.00 – Registration
18.00-18.15 – Official Opening & Sponsors Presentations
19.15-21.00 – BUSINESS MIXER
The Speed Business Meeting will consist of 3 sessions lasting for 20 minutes each.
We will try to organise the event in the way which best meets your needs. Therefore, when registering (form) please provide us with some additional information about whom you wish to meet (and what topic/line of business/industry you are mostly interested in).
After the sessions all participants are invited for a Business Mixer! We will prepare special culinary attractions, such as British lamb prepared by renowned Chef Pawel Oszczyk, Portuguese wine and Spanish tapas.
Participation in the meeting for BPCC, PHIG or PPCC Members is free of charge and 200 PLN/net for Non Members.
Attention! Due to the limited number of seats, registrations are accepted
on a first come – first served basis.
Please note: At the Speed Business Meeting we can accept only 1 representative from each member company. Other company representatives are welcome to join the Business Mixer starting at 19.30, after Speed Business Meeting.
The meeting will be held in English.
Please be informed, registration is binding, if you fail to give cancellation notice before 16th of June,
you will be invoiced on 200 net + VAT.
Please register by 16th of June at the latest