Between 25th and 27th of September, the Polish Confederation Lewiatan in cooperation with Business Europe and the city of Sopot cordially invite to the European Forum of New Ideas, one of the largest conferences in Europe, dedicated to global trends, new ideas and the future of Europe. This years edition of the event is titled: „#WhatTomorrowBrings? What democracy, what market, what Europe?”Business representatives, charismatic speakers, leaders, and policy-makers, as well as authorities from the world of culture and science, discuss the most important challenges for business and societies in a changing world, global trends and the future shape of the European Union during dozens of events, panel discussions, open meetings, counterpoints or night owl discussions. The European Forum for New Ideas is held in Sopot, one of the most picturesque Polish resorts by the Baltic Sea.
The detailed program of the conference may be found at https://www.efni.pl/en-GB/program/program