+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl


Internal Business Mixer 2022, virtual

30/03/2022 - 31/03/2022
Całodniowe Internal Business Mixer 2022, virtual

“O.E. 2022: Propostas Fiscais” RFF & Associados, 26th of October 2021, presential

RFF & Associados will hold its annual Conference “O.E. 2022: Propostas Fiscais” on the State Budget where it will analyze the news of the State Budget Law Proposal for 2022. It will have the presence of Rogério Fernandes Ferreira, partner and founder of RFF & Associados and former secretary of state for tax affairs.

This Conference will take place on Tuesday, October 26, between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm, in the Almada Negreiros room of the Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), in Lisbon.

Participation is free of charge but prior registration is necessary here.

The event will be held in the Portuguese language.

Newsletter – Sadkowski i Wspólnicy

On behalf of our Member company Sadkowski i Wspólnicy, we would like to share with you the newest edition of its newsletter.

The Law Firm Sadkowski i Wspólnicy provides legal services through a team of lawyers who are specialists in their areas of practice, such as Intellectual Property Law, Labour Law, Tax Law, and many others. Once in a quarter, the company launches its newsletter focused on the Tax Law, in which they share their specialized knowledge in this area.

In the newest edition of the newsletter, the experts wrote about the following topics:
•    Usage of software facilitating risk management should be exempt from VAT taxation – ECJ C-58/20 and C-59/20 of 17 June 2021
•    Ignoring tax office request to submit full documentation eliminates the right to VAT refund – ECJ C-294/20 of 9 September 2021
•    Portugal transposed the EU DAC6 rules into its domestic law
•    Received price, even if not declared in a tax declaration, should be deemed as containing VAT –ECJ C-521/19 of July 1 2021
•    Major changes in Polish tax system. Polish government on its road towards adoption of the so called Polish Deal – pandemic recovery program plan

We encourage you to read it!

International Speed Business Mixer, 9th of November, InterContinental Hotel

18:00 - 22:00 International Speed Business Mixer, 9th of November, InterContinental Hotel

Sadkowski i Wspólnicy – newsletter

On behalf of our Member company Sadkowski i Wspólnicy, we would like to share with you the newest edition of its newsletter.

The Law Firm Sadkowski i Wspólnicy provides legal services through a team of lawyers who are specialists in their areas of practice, such as Intellectual Property Law, Labour Law, Tax Law, and many others. Once in a quarter, the company launches its newsletter focused on the Tax Law, in which they share their specialized knowledge in this area.

In the newest edition of the newsletter, the experts wrote about the following topics:

  • Payments made by the Polish company to its Portuguese counterparty for licensing
  • computer software are not subject to the Polish withholding tax on royalties.
  • Fixed establishment implies the permanent presence of both the human and technical resources.
  • Nutrition monitoring services cannot be deemed to be a provision of medical care
    and therefore are not exempted from VAT.
  • VAT paid on market study services regarding potential investment can be deducted
    even if finally the investment had not taken place.
  • Poland in the course of introducing VAT Group regulations.
  • Portugal nonresidents have to use authorised software to issue VAT invoices.
  • Portugal: Essential elements of VAT electronic invoices.

We encourage you to read it!

PPCC Members Meeting at InterContinental Warsaw hotel

18:00 - 21:00 PPCC Members Meeting at InterContinental Warsaw hotel