+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl


Portuguese wine exports grow 19.3% in first half of 2021

We have some good news about the Portuguese wine industry from ViniPortugal!

In the first half of 2021, the total export of Portuguese wines grew by 19.3% and 9.2% compared to the same periods in 2020 and 2019 respectively. Also, the average price increased by 4.2%.

Importantly, Polish purchases of Portuguese wines grew by 36.6% compared to 2020 and reached 15.5 million euros.

However, France still remains the leader in importing Portuguese wines, followed by USA, UK, Brazil and Germany. Except for Angola, which recorded a 12.2% drop in its purchases of Portuguese wines compared to last year, all the other markets recorded growth. Apart from Poland, substantial growth was also observed in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, China, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine and Mexico. The biggest increase was observed in the case of South Korea, which recorded a growth of 139% with the value of purchases reaching 3.5 million euros.

According to Frederico Falcão, president of ViniPortugal this gives hope that the Portuguese wine industry is starting to consolidate its position within the global wine industry.

The whole article is available under the link.

Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union

From 1st January to 30th June 2021, Portugal took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU for the fourth time, under the motto ‘Time to deliver: a fair, green and digital recovery’. For six months, and under the COVID-19 pandemic, the Portuguese Presidency focused mostly on Europe’s recovery, specifically through the climate and digital transitions, the Social Pillar of the European Union and Europe’s strategic autonomy.

Marking the end of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council, we bring you some of the biggest results and achievements of the last six months:

  • Approval of the European Climate Law, putting into law the objective of a climate-neutral EU by 2050;
  • The Porto Social Summit, which resulted in the adoption of the Porto Declaration on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU-India Summit with EU leaders and the Indian Prime Minister, reinforcing cooperation in areas such as economy, investment, climate, space and digital;
  • Approval of the EU Digital COVID Certificate as a way to resume and facilitate free and safe circulation within the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Fiscal Transparency: conclusion of the proposal on the tax transparency of large multinational companies.

To know more about the achievements of the Portuguese Presidency, please visit:



Sadkowski i Wspólnicy – newsletter

On behalf of our Member company Sadkowski i Wspólnicy, we would like to share with you the newest edition of its newsletter.

The Law Firm Sadkowski i Wspólnicy provides legal services through a team of lawyers who are specialists in their areas of practice, such as Intellectual Property Law, Labour Law, Tax Law, and many others. Once in a quarter, the company launches its newsletter focused on the Tax Law, in which they share their specialized knowledge in this area.

In the newest edition of the newsletter, the experts wrote about the following topics:

  • Payments made by the Polish company to its Portuguese counterparty for licensing
  • computer software are not subject to the Polish withholding tax on royalties.
  • Fixed establishment implies the permanent presence of both the human and technical resources.
  • Nutrition monitoring services cannot be deemed to be a provision of medical care
    and therefore are not exempted from VAT.
  • VAT paid on market study services regarding potential investment can be deducted
    even if finally the investment had not taken place.
  • Poland in the course of introducing VAT Group regulations.
  • Portugal nonresidents have to use authorised software to issue VAT invoices.
  • Portugal: Essential elements of VAT electronic invoices.

We encourage you to read it!

PPCC on the cover of “Vida Económica”

We are pleased to inform that last month president of the PPCC Mr João Brás Jorge, and general director Mr Wojciech Baczyński were interviewed by the Portuguese newspaper “Vida Económica”.

In the interview, among others, they highlighted the importance of the bilateral relations between Poland and Portugal – Poland is currently Portugal’s 10th customer in the world and ranks 13th as a supplier. They talked about the sectors with the biggest potential, mentioned the events that we organise, and emphasised the number of Polish tourists that visited Portugal in the last few years.

We kindly encourage you to read the article available under the link


As we did last year, the PPCC would like to update you about the current and selected market and covid-19 situation in Brazil.

We hope you will find it useful.

Stay safe!


As we did last year, the PPCC would like to update you about the current and selected market and covid-19 situation in Portugal.

We hope you will find it useful.

Stay safe!