Today, the Annual General Meeting of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) was held, in the online form, during which the new Board of the PPCC was appointed and two important changes in the statute of the Chamber were established. The General Assembly resolved to appoint to the Board of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce for the new term 2020-2022 the below-presented persons:
Mr. João Brás Jorge in the representation of Bank Millennium.
Mr. Rui Amaral in representation of Eurocash;
Mr. Joaquim Barbosa in representation of EDPR.
Board Members:
Mr. Ricardo Almeida in representation of Jeronimo Martins Polska;
Mrs. Katarzyna Knapkiewicz-Dubińska in representation of Colep Polska;
Mr. Piotr Bienias in representation of Mota-Engil Central Europe.
Mrs. Izabella Paszak in representation of Browary Łódzkie S.A;
Mr. Tiago Costa in the representation of LPR;
Mr. Dimitri Dias in representation of Parfois;
Mr. Piotr Tomasz Komorowski in representation of Bakoma S.A.;
Mr. José Luis Villacampa Varea in representation of DZP.
At the same time, we would like to thank our Member Companies and all the Guests very much for participating in this important event for the PPCC.