Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, together with 12 other bilateral Chambers of Commerce, cordially invite PPCC Members to join the Speed Business Mixer in Warsaw on November 7, 2022
between 18.00-21.30 hrs in InterContinental Hotel, Warsaw.
The Speed Business Meeting will consist of 3 sessions lasting for 20 minutes each.
We will try to organize the event in the way which best meets your needs. Therefore, when registering, please fill in the form with information about whom you wish to meet (and what topic/line of business/industry you are mostly interested in).
17.30 – 18.00 Registration
18.00 – 19.30 Opening and Speed Business Mixer
19.30 – 21.00 Networking Business Drink
Participation in the meeting for the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Members is free of charge*.
*Please be informed: the registration is binding. If you fail to give cancellation notice by November 3rd and do not show up, you will be invoiced on 200 PLN net.
The cost for the non-member companies is 360 PLN + VAT.
Please note, that at the Speed Business Mixer we can accept only 1 representative from each company. Other company representatives are welcome to join the Networking Business Drink.
The registration is already closed.
If the organization of the in-person event will not be possible, due to the COVID-19 situation, the event will be held on the online platform and the registration will be equally binding