+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl

Mesa Redonda com Sua Excª Senhora Embaixadora de Portugal na Polónia *24.09.2015*

24-09-2015 Eventos

PPCC Round Table with Ambassador of Portugal

“Entrepreneurship, Science & Growth – Partnerships”

24th September 2015, 6pm

 Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza (KIG)

Trębacka 4, Warsaw

Sala 205




  • Mr Christian Minzolini – PPCC Board Member
  • H.E. Maria Amelia Paiva – Ambassador of Portugal
  • Prof. Joaquim Mourato – President of Portuguese Polytechnics Coordinating Council – CCISP, www.ccisp.pt
  • Prof. Lech Dzienis – Vice-President of Conference of Rectors of Polish Polytechnics – KRPUT, www.krput.edu.pl
  • Prof. Marek Tukiendorf – International Relations Coordinator of Conference of Rectors of Polish Polytechnics – KRPUT, www.krput.edu.pl
  • Ms Patrycja Zielińska–Vice-President of Industrial Development Agency – ARP SA, www.arp.pl
  • Mr Carlos Madeira – President of EDP Labelec, www.edplabelec.com
  • Mr Bogusław Łącki, President of Automatyka Pomiary Sterowanie S.A., www.aps.pl


Durante o evento foi assinado um protocolo de colaboração entre a PPCC e a ARP S.A. (Agência de Desenvolvimento Industrial).

O evento foi seguido de um cocktail.

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