MembrosSeminários e conferências
On behalf of our PPCC member company- Kochański & Partners, we would like to invite you for a webinar:
How to secure the future of your successors in business- intergenerational succession in business and the threats of a pandemic.
The upcoming webinar will take place on April 23rd at 11 AM.
- Threats arising from the lack of regulation of succession in business
- Holding companies and investment funds as a means to implement succession in business
- Family foundations in Poland and abroad
- Tax consequences brought to the family fund in Poland and abroad. Tax risk and methods of securing transactions
- Taxation of the total family foundation and its beneficiaries
- When is the best time to sell a family business? Impact of a pandemic on decisions to sell a family business.
Further details and registration: https://www.kochanski.pl/pl/jak-zabezpieczyc-przyszlosc-swoich-nastepcow-w-biznesie/?zaproszenie=i