Conselhos de especialistasEventos
On behalf of our Member company Advicero Nexia and Belgian Business Chamber (BBC), we would like to invite you to the webinar “Business activity of Ukrainian citizens in Poland – legal and tax aspects”.
The event will take place on 6 April 2022, at 11 a.m.
During the event, Advicero Nexia experts will discuss the following topic:
- Legalization of stay in Poland
- Legalization of employment / starting a business in Poland
- PESEL number as a basis for citizen’s rights in Poland
- Methods of doing business activity in Poland – in the form of sole proprietorship / company
- Forms of taxation of sole proprietorship
- Social Security contributions for doing a business – standard / preferential rules
- Entrepreneur (a sole proprietorship) – registration for VAT / basic taxation rules / reporting obligations
- Accounting – keeping books and other tax records
- Additional information about doing a business – Trusted Profile, bank account
The event will be held in English, and its participation is of free cost.
To confirm your attendance, please send “Name, Surname, Company name” to the following email: sdmytruk@advicero.eu