+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl

Economia e Finanças

Trade Mission to Portugal (Lisbon)

We would like to inform you, that the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) is organizing a multi-sector trade mission to Portugal, that will take place on 24th-28th September 2018.

This trade mission is a great opportunity to get to know the business environment in Portugal, and accurately assess business opportunities in that market. The mission will be particularly focused on B2B meetings with pre-selected companies and key players in each participant’s activity sector.

We would like to encourage all the companies interested in exporting to-, importing from- , or investing in Portugal to take part in this trade mission.

Please find the detailed offer of the Mission attached. We would like to encourage all the potentially interested companies to fill out the registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddW-PJt-E1zgWKB4V5z6QYE5cjYISPiFMwpDl1aTJv8NbE2w/viewform

PPCC will contact all the companies that express their initial interest in the Trade Mission to Portugal.

The registration is open until 16th July 2018.

For more information, please contact: Mr. Wojciech Baczyński, PPCC Secretary-General – wb@ppcc.pl, +48 696 760 925

Offer in PDF

OCDE divulga novo estudo sobre a Polónia

O estudo foi apresentado ontem (22 de Março) em Varsóvia, pela Economista-Chefe da OCDE, Catherine L. Mann, e pelo Vice-Primeiro-Ministro da Polónia, Mateusz Morawiecki, e serviu para celebrar o 20º aniversário da adesão da Polónia à OCDE.

Polish economic growth remains solid and unemployment is decreasing, but further investments in infrastructure and skills will be essential to sustain a continuing improvement in living standards, environmental quality and well-being, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Poland.

The Survey, presented in Warsaw today by OECD Chief Economist Catherine L. Mann and Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, marks the 20th anniversary since Poland joined the OECD. It underlines the tremendous progress made toward convergence with higher-income countries over the past two decades, but also points out the challenges remaining to, strengthen employment and job quality, improve the business environment and boost infrastructure, as well as  ensure sound public finances.

poland eco survey 2016


“Poland has made remarkable progress over the 20 years since it joined the OECD, delivering levels of well-being and quality of life that have never before been experienced,” Ms Mann said. “During the time when most countries have been struggling to bounce back from the global economic crisis, the Polish economy has reported strong growth, driving down unemployment. The challenge going forward is to  find the policy mix to promote the transition to an economy based on higher technologies and skills, making growth stronger, greener and more inclusive.”

This reform agenda and the new government’s policy priorities – including a new child benefit – involve higher spending. To help finance this, the Survey proposes options for wide-ranging tax reform, including the withdrawal of reduced VAT rates and exemptions, increased use of property and green taxes and strengthening the tax administration. Boosting skills will lead to higher productivity and employment growth, according to the Survey. Continuing the expansion of access to early childhood education, strengthening support for weaker students and better integrating workplace training into vocational education will be key.

Better opportunities to combine professional and family lives are needed to allow more women into the workforce. In addition to more childcare facilities, long-term care services are also needed. The ongoing reform raising the statutory pension age in stages is needed to strengthen employment of seniors and avoid old-age poverty. Envisaged possibilities to retire early should be equal for men and women and should not involve financial incentives for take-up.

To improve infrastructure investment, Poland should better integrate environmental and health criteria to the project selection and evaluation process, ensure stable financing for public transport infrastructure investment and maintenance, and improve framework conditions for investment in renewable energy. Providing support to local governments running infrastructure projects and strengthening local governance capacities would improve infrastructure delivery.

Source: AICEP Portugal Global

Bank Millennium: Leasing Eko Energia PRO – negócios energeticamente eficientes com bonús crescente no financiamento

In March Millennium Leasing launched Leasing Eko Energia PRO – a new release of a long-standing programme promoting energy-efficient business in Poland. It allows getting up to 5% bonus in financing energy-efficient machines and equipment. The product was developed in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


Leasing Eko Energia PRO offers financial benefits resulting from engaging in energy-efficient business. By choosing machines and equipment, which use little energy, representatives of micro, small and medium companies can get a flexible bonus of 3, 4 or 5%, growing over the years depending on financing maturity. The decision regarding financing of assets worth up to PLN 350,000 is lightning-fast – it can be taken seconds after gathering information about the transaction. The Leasing Eko Energia PRO programme is also supported by Surety Funds available practically anywhere in Poland (in 13 Voivodeships). They offer additional financing support, eliminating i.a. the requirement to provide downpayment.

Leasing Eko Energia PRO involves simple procedures, quality of service and care for the environment. – We aim to support Polish businesses in financing technologies, which contribute to reducing consumption of energy. We keep monitoring not only the amount of energy saved but also the quality of service. We have introduced i.a. new procedures, thanks to which a decision concerning financing of assets worth up to PLN 350,000 is available already in a dozen-or-so seconds. Investing in energy-efficient machines and equipment does not only help reduce costs. Ultimately it makes Polish companies more competitive in a business environment, in which striving to improve the quality of the environment is not just a postulate. – Wojciech Rybak, CEO of Millennium Leasing said.

The company began promoting energy-efficient solutions for Polish businesses back in 2011 with the Polish Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (PolSEFF) programme. At that time 461 projects were implemented with the total value of signed agreements standing at 50 million euro. The success of these efforts can be calculated in terms of the spectacular savings attained, equivalent to average annual consumption of electricity by more than 26,000 households (approx. 50 000 MWh). Reduction of CO2 emissions was equivalent to average annual emission by more than 18,500 cars (approx. 36 tons of CO2).

Millennium banner

Reunião do Grupo Internacional de Câmaras de Comércio (IGCC) com o Sr. Ministro das Finanças, Pawel Szałamacha

No passado dia 24 de Fevereiro, Tiago Costa e Wojciech Baczynski, Vogal e Secretário-Geral da PPCC, respectivamente, estiveram em representação da PPCC na reunião das maiores Câmaras de Comércio na Polónia com o novo Ministro das Finanças, Pawel Szałamacha. Os participantes nesta reunião tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer os planos e prioridades do Sr. Ministro quanto à política financeira e fiscal a ser implementada pelo novo Governo, bem como de apresentar as actividades das suas respectivas Câmaras de Comércio e empresas associadas.

O Sr. Ministro das Finanças abordou as principais prioridades do seu Ministério, incluindo as alterações à tributação das actividades bancária e retalhista, sublinhando que, do ponto de vista do Ministério, de momento, aumentar a eficiência das ferramentas fiscais actualmente ao seu dispor e dos departamentos governamentais afigura-se como mais importante do que introduzir alterações à legislação em vigor.

O Sr. Ministro teve ainda oportunidade de responder a várias perguntas, algumas das quais referentes às recém-introduzidas taxas, bem como a outras referentes ao ambiente empresarial na Polónia.

Os participantes na reunião expressaram a sua abertura ao diálogo e disposição para cooperar.

Wizzair e Ryanair anunciam abertura de rotas Varsóvia-Porto!

Wizz Air, a maior companhia aérea low-cost da Europa Central e de Leste, anunciou uma nova rota Varsóvia-Porto. Os voos começarão a 15 de Maio e serão realizados duas vezes por semana, às Quartas-Feiras e Domingos.

Por sua vez, a Ryanair anunciou também a abertura de uma rota Varsóvia-Porto no último trimestre de 2016, bem como o reforço da sua operação no Porto, com voos adicionais do Porto para Barcelona, Milão, Bruxelas e Madrid.

Excelentes notícias!


PPCC no Portugal Exportador 2015

A PPCC esteve presente no Portugal Exportador 2015, representado pelo seu Secretário-Geral, Wojciech Baczynski.

Durante o evento, a PPCC teve o seu centro de atendimento no espaço da feira dedicado às Câmaras de Comércio Portuguesas no Exterior. Aqui, foi possível ter várias reuniões com empresas associadas da PPCC e com muitas empresas que ambicionam internacionalizar-se para a Polónia. Isto demonstra que a Polónia continua a ser um dos mercados europeus mais atractivos para as empresas portuguesas.

A Embaixada da República da Polónia em Lisboa marcou também presença no evento, tendo o seu próprio espaço na secção da feira dedicada às Embaixadas estrangeiras em Portugal.

No âmbito da presença da PPCC e da Embaixada da República da Polónia no Portugal Exportador 2015, decorreu também um seminário sobre o mercado polaco, que despertou grande interesse a muitas empresas e empreendedores que visitaram a feira. O seminário foi conduzido por um painel composto pelo Sr. Wojciech Baczynski e por representantes da Embaixada da República da Polónia em Lisboa, da Jerónimo Martins, do Novo Banco e da AICEP.


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