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Access to e-administration in Bank Millennium

Customers of Bank Millennium can already get access by means of internet banking to the ZUS Electronic Services Platform. This is another step of the bank to support the strategy of building digital public administration.


We continue to seek innovative solutions, which will respond to customers’ needs. One of them is to facilitate access to e-administration. Thanks to the functionality extension the internet banking system thus becomes a window to the digital world of Polish administration. We began by participating in the Government’s Family 500+ programme and enabled customers to apply via Millenet for the benefit. Customers were eager to use to this opportunity and submitted some 50,000 applications. This gives us not only great satisfaction that we provided them with a sense of comfort and security, but also evidence that such efforts are needed and expected – Ricardo Campos, Director of the Electronic Banking Department in Bank Millennium said.

Thanks to using Bank Millennium’s internet banking system setting up a profile on PUE ZUS (ZUS Electronic Services Platform) and logging on to it is simple and intuitive. The Customer will log on to the Millenet internet banking system using the standard login and password. No additional rights are needed, logins or passwords. When setting up a PUE profile – after accepting the statement about protection of personal data and approving the logon with use of SMS P@ssword (both activities are required only at the first logon to PUE), the customer goes to the PUE ZUS portal, where he accepts the PUE regulations and provides additional essential data for the profile. When logging on the next time the customer will not have to repeat the additional activities anymore – using the login and password for electronic banking will be enough.

In the traditional model, if the customer does not have a qualified certificate, does not use ePUAP or electronic banking systems, in order to set up a full trusted profile in PUE ZUS a visit is necessary in a ZUS branch, during which they will confirm the personal data of the new user. Identity check by means of the Millenet internet banking system replaces a visit in ZUS, thus it is faster and more convenient.

The Electronic Services Platform (PUE) is targeted at all customers of ZUS. It enables dealing with many matters involved with social insurance without the need to leave home, such as viewing data about contributions, sending documents and applications and receiving replies from ZUS, checking which OFE the customer belongs to, checking if the employer reported the customer for social and health insurance. PUE can also be used to ask ZUS staff questions or to use other functions available currently from ZUS.

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Mota-Engil Central Europe: We support locally

“We support locally” is a social program implemented by Mota-Engil Central Europe as part of CSR policy. Mota-Engil Central Europe conducts construction projects throughout the whole country. The contracts are carried out both in large cities and in small towns. In each region where the works are carried out, the company is trying to reach out to local communities to meet their needs and support it. With this in mind, a program support locally – addressed to those who most need support. Within the program are implemented diverse social projects tailored to the local community and the corresponding real needs.

Workcamp Lódz 2016
Mota-Engil Central Europe realizes in Lódź an exceptional cubature project – the highest located apartments in the city, that guarantee a unique view of the city center and the comfort of well-arranged space.
Right next to the “Ilumino” investment, on Nawrot Street, there is an Orphanage. Thanks to our additional prosocial activities, the company was able to build in close proximity to the Orphanage an additional way, and then renovate the bathroom.
In the summer 2016, another initiative has started, this time implemented with crowdfunding action: Workcamp Lódź 2016.
Workcamp is a ‘repair’ action and a non-profit organization that engages students of construction and all comers. The project is led by Young Personnel of Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians, which has its offices at almost every technical university in Poland. With students of construction from Lodz University of Technology, who as volunteers worked all summer, it was possible to renovate the Orphanage.
After completion of the renovation, Mota-Engil Central Europe has decided to help once again, this time by equipping rooms in the most needed items like kitchen equipment, equipment to children’s rooms, lighting and additional decorations. Thanks to it, twelve residents of the Orphanage will benefit not only from the newly renovated building, but also a new and full equipment.
On September 2, 2016 there was the official completion of the renovation, on which was present Mayor of Łódź, Ms. Hanna Zdanowska, the authorities and students of Lodz University of Technology, representatives of sponsors and partners, including representatives of Mota-Engil Central Europe.



Mota-Engil Central Europe: Ilumino Project

Mota-Engil Central Europe has finished building one more key civil construction project. Located in the city center of Łódź,  Ilumino project consists of 3 modern residential buildings. Ilumino includes 243 functional apartments with areas ranging from 32 to 122 m2.

Three connected buildings with five, nine and thirteen floors create a unique, remarkable architectural composition, and offer the highest located apartments in Lodz. Currently the construction has been completed and Mota-Engil has already prepared for the second stage of the project.






Mota-Engil Central Europe: Nysa Bypass

The progress of the contract for the construction of a Nysa bypass road, what means received and invoiced works, already amounts to more than 60%. The construction was started in the end of 2014 year and its completion is scheduled for October 2017.


Currently, works are carried on all 14 bridge structures. All the foundations for the objects and most of the supports were made. Preparatory works on the bridge structures and on their foundations have been completed.

The bypass road will be 16.5 km long, including 7.4 km as a segment of national road no. 46 (dual carriageway road) and 9.1 km as a segment of national road no. 41 (single carriageway road).The project involves the construction of 14 bridge structures, including the longest 383-meters long bridge over the river Nysa Kłodzka.

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SPCG – Ewa Mazurkiewicz appointed leader of SPCG’s capital market department

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to announce that from October 20. 2016. Ewa Mazurkiewicz, of Counsel in the Warsaw branch of SPCG, leads SPCG’s capital market department.

Ewa Mazurkiewicz specializes in capital market law, in particural in the regulation of MIFID, MIFID II, ZAFI, UCITS V, MAD and MAR. Ewa Mazurkiewicz represents SPCG’s clients such as investment businesses, banks and insurance companies in proceedings before the Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA). Ewa Mazurkiewicz also advised inter alia in proceedings concerning the broadening of the product offer.


Millennium Leasing solid performance after three quarters of 2016

During three quarters of 2016, Millennium Leasing signed lease agreements worth more than 2,35 billion PLN. The company recorded more than 18% increase in the value of financed assets versus the same period of 2015 and 28% increase in the number of agreements signed. 


Two-digit increases result directly from our objectives defined at the beginning of the year and then pursued consistently. Among other things, we have improved our automated sales process with credit decision available within a few seconds. It fulfilled the needs of small and medium-sized companies for which the speed and simplicity of lease decision is of paramount importance. At the same time we did not reduce the dynamics of our cooperation with big companies which appreciate long-term relationship or use  leasing as part of the broader range of the financial services offered by the Millennium Group. Good results confirm our conviction that we have selected the right development direction. – says Marcin Balicki, Chairman of the Management Board of Millennium Leasing.


The company recorded a unique, almost  24% increase year on year in real estate financing. After three quarters of 2016, the total value of the financed assets from  the means-of-road-transport group was more than 1,45 billion PLN, which is almost 30% increase. In the category of heavy transport the value of financed assets went up by  22% versus the same period of 2015 and totalled 858 million PLN. In this category the fastest growing items were trucks above 3,5t (almost 46% increase), buses (30,4%) and semi-tractors (up 19,4 %). After three quarters, the value of the financed light vehicles reached more than 600 million PLN (more than 40% increase).


Also in the machinery and equipment segment which reflects the demand for investments in the Polish economy, the value of the transactions financed by Millennium Leasing exceeded 780 million PLN, i.e. it has increased by almost one  fourth versus the same period of 2015.


Millennium Leasing is a company that offers financing of a wide array of investment projects, from simple cars, through a complete range of means of road and railway transport, ending with big and complicated machines and technological lines. The company is an active member of the Polish Leasing Association and one  of the very first lease companies that launched its operations on the Polish market.


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