Legality of stay and work of Ukrainian citizens fleeing to Poland – Sadkowski i Wspólnicy
2. After entering the territory of the Republic of Poland, go to any commune executive body in Poland within 60 days from the date of entry and register your stay. For this purpose, you must submit a paper application (applications will be available at offices), attach one photo (dimensions: 3.5cm x 4.5cm), and submit fingerprints during your visit to the office (not applicable to persons under the age of 12 and when fingerprinting is physically impossible).
3. When registering your stay with the commune authorities, you must present a document confirming your identity (passport / ID card / Pole’s card / other document with a photo enabling identification) – IT MAY ALSO BE A DOCUMENT THAT HAS ALREADY EXPIRED. In the absence of a document, you will confirm your identity by submitting an appropriate statement to the office.
4. A citizen of Ukraine, registering his / her stay, will obtain a PESEL number, thanks to which he / she will be able to take advantage of medical care and all kinds of cash and non-cash benefits.
5. At the moment you are covered by the SO-CALLED TEMPORARY PROTECTION and your stay in Poland is legal for a period of 18 months from 24th February 2022.
6. If, after entering the territory of the Republic of Poland, the Border Guard granted the so-called “Permit for entry up to 15 days” („Zezwolenie na wjazd do 15 dni”), your stay in Poland is legal for a period of 18 months.
7. If, after entering the territory of the Republic of Poland, you applied for international protection, go to the nearest Border Guard post as soon as possible and WITHDRAW THE APPLICATION!
8. If, after entering the territory of the Republic of Poland, the Border Guard has not issued any document and has not issued the so-called “Permit for entry up to 15 days”, you can submit an application to the Head of the Office for Foreigners for the issue of the so-called „certificate confirming the use of temporary protection”. The issuance of the certificate is free of charge.
9. At the earliest after 9 months from the date of entry to Poland due to the war in Ukraine and not later than within 18 months from 24th February 2022, a citizen of Ukraine who came to Poland from the territory of Ukraine in the period from 24th February 2022 in connection with the war in Ukraine, may apply for a special type of temporary residence permit. The permit will be granted once for a period of 3 years.
10. Citizens of Ukraine who reside legally in Poland, as well as citizens of Ukraine who came to Poland directly from the territory of Ukraine from 24th February 2022 in connection with the war in Ukraine and declared their intention to stay in Poland, are entitled to work without document legalizing work.
11. If you leave Poland for a period exceeding 1 month, you lose the temporary protection granted in Poland!
12. If you intend to leave Poland for a period exceeding 1 month, go to the commune authority to deregister your stay, and notify the Border Guard about leaving Poland.
The employer for the purpose of employing a Ukrainian citizen residing legally in Poland, as well as for the employment of a Ukrainian citizen who came to Poland directly from Ukraine from 24th February 2022 in connection with the war in Ukraine and declared his / her intention to stay in Poland, does not need to obtain any document legalizing work. The only obligation of the employer with regard to the provisions of the immigration law is to notify the poviat employment office competent for the seat of the employer that a citizen of Ukraine has started work. The notification must be submitted via website within 14 days from the date of employment of a citizen of Ukraine.
Ukrainian citizens fleeing to Poland in connection with the war in Ukraine are offered comprehensive assistance, including medical care financed from the state budget, various types of cash and in-kind benefits, as well as assistance in education, pre-school education, childcare, etc.
However, it should be remembered that individual commune authorities will adopt appropriate resolutions in this regard, which means that you should read the resolutions of the commune authorities competent for the place of residence of the Ukrainian citizen on an ongoing basis and submit applications for appropriate assistance to the locally competent commune authority.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Marta Pietrzak, Trainee Attorney, Immigration Law Department (+48) 797 132 311
Kochański & Partners: Basic Principles of the Special Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Citizens in Connection with the Armed Conflict
PwC has launched a free hotline for Ukrainian refugees
It is with pleasure that we would like to inform you that our Member company PwC has launched a free hotline for Ukrainian refugees who need help in areas such as:
✔ legalization of stay in Poland
✔ legalization of the right to work in Poland
✔ necessary administrative issues (taxes, social security
and health)
✔ formalities related to transit to other EU countries
More info:
The PPCC Stands with Ukraine
In the face of recent events across our eastern border, the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian nation.
The community of people of Ukrainian origin living in Poland is very large and constitute dominating majority of foreigners in Poland. They are our colleagues, clients, neighbors that we meet and work with every day.
The Chamber will open paid internship position in our Warsaw office (or virtually from other cities) for Portuguese speaking Ukrainian citizens that were forced to leave their country and are seeking work in Poland in the field of international business promotion (markets of: Poland, Portugal, Brazil). Please contact us here or at
In these extremely difficult moments, PPCC and its Members support our Ukrainian friends affected by the war. Many of our member Companies are already offering support to individuals, employees and clients being Ukrainians or dealing with Ukraine as a business partner.
As information is key the PPCC will prepare a list of our Member foundations and initiatives available to make search easier for those who look for it.
Additionally, please find below a list of organizations that help those who need it most:
- Polish Humanitarian Action:
- Polish Red Cross:
- Polish Center for International Aid:
- Caritas Poland:
- Unicef:
- Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce:
- „Help Ukraine” Government Website:
Wine Exports – Portugal 2020 vs. 2021
New Year means seeking new and prosperous opportunities. The PPCC congratulates our partner ViniPortugal for their outstanding performance in Wine promoting!
As observed in 2021, compared with 2020 during the same period, ViniPortugal has registered an 8.11% growth in exportations – and the Polish market is a part of the equation.
Leading ViniPortugal’s European market in demand by recording an increase of 19.54% in 2021, the Polish market is currently standing as one of the top 10 countries in the Portuguese wine client’s global market.
It is with pride that from time to time, the Polish market is presenting itself as a new, prosperous and interested investor in this Portuguese specialty.
Master Export – Metalworking and Habitat Industry Internationalization
This project Master Export – Internationalization of the Metalworking and Habitat Industry in Águeda, Vale de Cambra and Arouca aims to support SMEs in Filieras with an impact in the North and Center Coast regions of Portugal in terms of prospecting the international market.
Master Export is a project developed in the scope of the FEDER, with the objective of promoting and supporting the internationalization of these sectors in five target markets, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg and Poland, in which this institutional mission to the Polish market fits, taking place from November 8th to 11th, 2021.
The Associação Empresarial de Águeda (AEA) will be represented by vice president Óscar Mendes and Patrícia Gonçalves, (technician responsible for supporting the foreign market). The Associação Empresarial de Cambra e Arouca (AECA), will be represented by vice president Abel Oliveira and technical coordinator Célia Oliveira. She will be accompanied by Adriano Fidalgo, from Astrolábio – Orientação e Estratégia, S.A., as project consultant.
On the 8th, the mission will include a visit to the Industry Week Fair – International Fair for Innovative Industrial Solutions,, organized since 2016 at Ptak Warsaw Expo. A huge space with several themed showrooms that allow you to learn about new products and solutions from the main sectors of industry in Poland. On the 9th, meeting with Wschodni Klaster Obróbki Metali in Lublin (metalworking). On the 10th, meeting with Polski Związek Pracodawców Budownictwa (habitat), and with Związek Pracodawców Producentów Materiałów dla Budownictwa (habitat); in the afternoon, meeting with Klaster Innowacyjnych Technologii w Wytwarzaniu
Therefore, Master Export presents itself with the mission of „supporting companies from both regions in successful internationalization processes” by creating export channels to countries with high potential and geographically close and enabling them to present themselves in these markets with goods of greater technological incorporation.