+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl


PPCC together with Deloitte invite to participate in the CMO Survey 2019

For three years, Deloitte has been implementing the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Program  offering marketing leaders support in career development and networking, as well as knowledge and services designed for marketing directors and their organizations. One of the initiatives under this program is a study that will be carried out for the first time in Poland in cooperation with IAB Polska, Hays and Kozminski University. Thus, we would like to invite you to participate in the first Polish edition of the Deloitte CMO Survey 2019 – survey among marketing directors on the assessment of their current and future role in the structures of companies, as well as the impact of technology on business development.

Through the survey, we want to hear the opinions of marketing directors on the expected trends, priorities, and planned activities of companies. Participation in the study is therefore an opportunity to share your perspective and insights. It also gives the chance to shape and set trends in marketing. The survey will also show the degree of preparation of companies for changes that await them.

The research carried out by Deloitte is anonymous. Deloitte guarantees confidentiality of responses. Each of the study participants will receive a free report with the analysis of the answers received.

The results of the Polish edition of CMO Survey will be presented in June.

Filling in the electronic survey will take no more than 20 minutes.

The survey can be completed in Polish and English.

Economic mission to Taiwan, 9-12 April 2019

09/04/2019 - 12/04/2019
Całodniowe Economic mission to Taiwan, 9-12 April 2019

Staff changes at the PPCC team starting from 1 March 2019

After several years with us at the Chamber, our Operations Manager Mrs Małgorzata Goreń (10 years at PPCC) and Office Manager Ms Katarzyna Banaszek (2 years at the PPCC) have moved to face new professional challenges. We wish Gosia and Kasia a lot of success in their new roles and we would like to thank them for their important contribution to the PPCC development.

In the meantime, we are delighted to welcome a new member of staff to our team, Ms Anita Siemińska, who has just joined us as our new Operations and Communication Manager. Anita has a solid international relations background, having worked in the area of trade missions and also as specialist at the Embassy of Brazil in Warsaw and analyst at Deloitte. Anita will focus her work on all PPCC external communication efforts to Members and stakeholders, incoming and outgoing trade missions, Flavours of Portugal B2B Fair and strategic partners of the event and acquisition of new Polish corporate members. If you have any ideas to suggest to Anita, please contact her directly at as@ppcc.pl.

PPCC Business Mission to Lisbon | 13-17 May 2019

We have the pleasure to announce the PPCC Business Mission to Lisbon  which will take place on 13-17 May 2019.

The PPCC Business Mission to Lisbon is the perfect occasion to personally assess business opportunities in Portugal and find potential business partners in the market.

We are organising this business mission with the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP) – well connected and pro-active private business association, supporting the companies since 1834, promoting both national and international development of its members, as well serving as the link between SMEs and large companies.

The business mission will have a strong B2B focus, with individual meetings with potential Portuguese business partners at their offices, according to each Polish company’s expectations, and will include pragmatic seminar about Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking markets.  We believe a strong awareness of the market’s reality is of the utmost importance for sustainable success.

Enclosed, we are sending the detailed offer. If you are interested in taking part in this Business Mission, please fill in the form below (filling in the form does not oblige you to take part in the mission):


We encourage you to get to know the Portuguese market and establish direct commercial contacts.

The registration is open until 15th March 2019.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact directly Mr. Wojciech Baczyński, General Director of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce: wb@ppcc.pl,  +48 696 760 925.

Download the offer in English or Polish.

PPCC Business Mission to Maputo, Mozambique

Polsko-Portugalska Izba Gospodarcza (PPCC) we współpracy z Krajową Izbą Gospodarczą (KIG) ma przyjemność ogłosić Misję Gospodarczą do Mozambiku organizowaną w dn. 3-7 marca 2019 r.

Misja gospodarcza do Mozambiku jest doskonałą okazją do poznania nowych możliwości biznesowych w Mozambiku i znalezienia potencjalnych partnerów handlowych na rynku mozambickim. Najważniejszymi i najbardziej obiecującymi sektorami w kraju są: przemysł wydobywczy, energetyczny, maszynowy, przetwórczy i informatyczny, rolnictwo, rybołówstwo, inwestycje w turystykę i infrastrukturę.

Misja gospodarcza będzie skoncentrowana na spotkaniach B2B, z indywidualnymi sesjami z potencjalnymi partnerami biznesowymi, zgodnymi z profilem każdej firmy. Podczas misji odbędzie się także seminarium na temat lokalnych przepisów podatkowych, certyfikacji i procedur. Wierzymy, że dogłębne zrozumienie realiów panujących na rynku ma kluczowe znaczenie wobec chęci nawiązania współpracy biznesowej.

Szczegółowa oferta znajduje się w załączniku. Jeśli byliby Państwo zainteresowani udziałem, prosimy o uzupełnienie formularza (co nie jest równoznaczne z wzięciem udziału w misji).

Zachęcamy do poznania rynku mozambickiego i nawiązania interesujących kontaktów biznesowych!

W przypadku pytań lub wątpliwości prosimy o bezpośredni kontakt z Weroniką Gwiazda z Polsko-Portugalskiej Izby Gospodarczej: weronika@ppcc.pl, +48 539 728 680.

Szymon Syp, PhD, Senior Associate in Crido Legal co-authors “Postal Law. Commentary”

Szymon Syp, PhD, co-authors “Postal Law. Commentary”


Szymon Syp, PhD, Senior Associate in Crido Legal co-authors “Postal Law. Commentary” to be published by C.H. BECK (set publication date – September 2018).

The publication is a practical commentary (presenting and discussing provisions currently in force) on the Act of 23 November 2012 – Postal Law (uniform text: Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1481, as amended).

Szymon Syp, PhD, notes: “The total value of the Polish postal services market amounted to PLN 7,649.98 million in 2016 (according to the latest report on postal services in 2016). It is also worth noting that the year 2016 was the first one, in which the segment of courier items achieved its largest share in the overall value of the postal services market. This tendency is a proof of shifting customer preferences – from traditional postal services to courier services, which guarantee quicker delivery and comfortable form of services. Anticipated Poland’s economic growth, constant improvement of road, logistics and digital infrastructure, as well as increasing society’s preference to shop on-line are the factors which ensure that despite a decline in the number of letter items it is a sector of the economy with strong prospects for growth.”

The publication is the first of its kind in the publishing market and is aimed at discussing issues arising in the course of applying the Postal Law in practice, some of such issues being as follows:

  • rules governing the postal operations;
  • the scope of the license to perform postal operations;
  • the scope of postal services provision;
  • the scope of universal services provision;
  • rules governing access to elements of the postal infrastructure;
  • rules governing the appointment of a designated operator;
  • obligations of a postal operator for the defense of the state and public safety and order;
  • liability of a postal operator and complaint proceedings regarding non-performance or improper performance of a postal service;
  • regulatory accounting, cost calculation and accounting system of the designated operator;
  • the calculation of net cost and the financing of the obligation to provide universal services;
  • control over the postal operations by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications;
  • the portfolio of entities subject to monetary penalties.


The Postal Law constitutes the final implementation of Directive 2008/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 February 2008 amending Directive 97/67/EC into the Polish legal system. The new rules have been in force in Poland since 1 January 2013.

The authors place an emphasis on rules governing the functioning of the postal market, namely its opening to competition and liberalization both in the theoretical and practical aspects, and consider the postal market experience gathered from the moment the new provisions entered into force.

The commentary is intended for postal operators, recipients of postal services, and it may also be of interest to public administration bodies, including the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, as well as the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection.

The book can be ordered here: www.ksiegarnia.beck.pl




About Crido Legal

Crido Legal provides comprehensive legal advice, including in particular M&A consultancy, advice on intellectual property and personal data issues, assistance regarding credit facility agreements, real estate and complex corporate restructurings (mergers, transformations and divisions, fund formation, etc.), as well as ongoing legal advice to businesses, regarding in particular commercial companies and corporate law. We help our clients to find the optimal – legally and tax-wise – organizational structure and handle complex corporate restructurings. We act in domestic and international transactions, and offer comprehensive legal advice on the acquisition and use of public financing.

Our clients can count on us in all matters crucial for their business (including mergers and acquisitions, succession projects, financial and tax restructurings). Our team of over 30 lawyers with a wealth of expertise and experience guarantees top quality advice provided in the most complex projects from diverse industries.

We act with the utmost care and diligence to understand business conditions of our clients’ transactions and specific nature of their business sectors. We also draw from hands-on experience and know-how of other Crido Taxand’s teams, so that we can act responsively and provide instant advice to our clients that have no time to spare when it comes to decision making. Due to our cooperation with Crido Taxand and being a part of Taxand’s network, we are the one-stop shop for clients seeking comprehensive legal, tax and financial advice, and this is a unique solution in the market.

For more information visit cridolegal.pl

Media contact:

Agata Woźniak, Senior Marketing Specialist

agata.wozniak@crido.pl | + 48 532 756 164