Experts' advises
On behalf of our Member company Advicero Nexia and the Belgian Business Chamber (BBC), we invite you to another webinar: SLIM VAT 3 – planned changes.
- The webinar will be on September 27th, 2022, at 11:00 am CET.
During the event, you can expect the expert’s views on the following topics:
- Exchange rate for VAT
- Sanctions
- Subject and objective exemptions
- WDT and chain transactions
- Spacing for intra-Community acquisition and import of services (practical problems after SLIM VAT 2)
- Deduction ratios and adjustments
- VAT refund for the so-called cashless taxpayers
- Documentation of sales
- Split payment and payments
- Binding Rate Information
The event will be held in Polish and participation is of free cost.
To confirm your attendance, please send “Name, Surname, Company name” to the following email: sdmytruk@advicero.eu.