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Flavours of Portugal 2015 Film

In preparation for this year’s edition of Flavours of Portugal, the PPCC releases the movie of last year’s edition. We hope you enjoy it and share it! See you all in May, for Flavours of Portugal 2016!

Guarantees for innovations in Bank Millennium

On 24 February Bank Millennium and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego will sign an agreement regarding release of a new collateral instrument under the “Innovative Economy” Operational Programme (PO IG). The new instrument will be guarantees extended to companies from the SME sector starting from 11 March 2016.   


Guarantee for innovation is a unique type of “de minimis” guarantee, which has been available from Bank Millennium since close to three years ago. The new guarantees, granted from the special Guarantee Fund created by BGK, are more generous for customers. Although they secure even 60% of loan amount, they remain free of charge.


Guarantees for innovations – benefits:

  • High guarantee amount – up to as much as 60% of loan amount (maximum of PLN 3.5 million).
  • Long tenor – up to 24 months in case of working capital loans or up to 96 months for investment loans.
  • 0% fee for the guarantee – even if the tenor is many years
  • Simple procedure – activities involved with obtaining the loan and guarantee are handled all in one place, directly in Bank Millennium.


– Joining the programme we will continue to apply the well-established standards of processing loans with guarantees. This is part of long-term strategy of the bank, which for years now has been supporting Polish enterprise and creates financing opportunities also for those customers who may have more difficult access to loans. I am referring to companies, which due to the nature of the business do not have assets sufficient to secure repayment of the financing. Also the nature of the new guarantee is important for us. We ourselves are an organisation, which seeks opportunities to take advantage of development of new technology in our business. This is why we are proud to support customers who build a new quality of their sector with their innovation.  – Agnieszka Kucharska, Head of Corporate Banking Credit products and Process Team explained.


The requirements to be met to get a new guarantee are very simple. Apart from submitting documents, which are standard for a “de minimis” guarantee it is sufficient to present one additional document, specifically a form confirming fulfilment of one of seven essential requirements and mentioning documents confirming this fact. Examples of criteria” “the company is located and is operating in a technology park” or “during the last three years the company has had revenue growth of 10% annually on average”.

Millennium banner

Meeting between the International Group of Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) and Finance Minister Mr. Pawel Szałamacha

On 24th February 2016 Mr. Tiago Costa and Mr. Wojciech Baczynski represented the PPCC in a meeting of representatives of the biggest Chambers of Commerce in Poland with the new Finance Minister Mr Pawel Szałamacha. This meeting was an opportunity to get to know the plans and priorities of the Ministry in the area of finance and fiscal policy, as well as to present the activities of the Chambers and investors affiliated to our organizations. The Minister of Finance outlined the priorities of the Ministry, including the planned changes to the taxation in banking and retail areas. At the same time he stressed that, from the point of view of the Ministry, the most important is to increase the efficiency of existing fiscal tools and offices dedicated to these purposes, rather than introduce changes in the existing laws and systems.

The minister also answered numerous questions, among others about the newly introduced taxes and other issues that are important from the point of view of doing business in Poland.

The participants of the meeting expressed their openness to dialogue and willingness to cooperate.

Bank Millennium, University of Warsaw and Camões I.P. sign a cooperation protocol

The promotion of the Portuguese culture and language at the University of Warsaw, was reinforced with the support of Bank Millennium, who accepted to finance, during the 3 next years, a scholarship to the best student of the Bachelors in Portuguese Studies in the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies of the University of Warsaw.

“This Bank Millennium scholarship is a generous reward to all those who commit themselves to the study of the Portuguese language and the culture of the Portuguese-speaking countries, at the University of Warsaw. The scholarship will allow the students to achieve even better academic results and travel to Portugal, where they will be able to feel and live the Portuguese language and culture”, stated Mr. João Brás Jorge, President of the Administration Board of Bank Millennium, after the ceremony.



(left to right)
Mr. João Brás Jorge, President of the Administration Board of Bank Millennium
Her Excellency Ms. Maria Amélia Paiva, Ambassador of Portugal to Poland
Professor Marcin Pałys, Rector of the University of Warsaw

O Bank Millennium, a Universidade de Varsóvia e o Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, assinaram um protocolo de cooperação para a atribuição de uma bolsa de estudos ao melhor estudante da licenciatura em Estudos Portugueses da Universidade de Varsóvia. 

A formação em língua e cultura portuguesas na Universidade de Varsóvia ficou reforçada ontem com o apoio do Bank Millennium na Polónia, que aceitou financiar, durante os próximos 3 anos, uma bolsa de estudos para o/a melhor estudante do curso de licenciatura em Estudos Portugueses do Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-americanos da Universidade de Varsóvia.

O projeto foi apresentado pelo Camões I.P. aos outros dois parceiros, que prontamente o aceitaram, e foi formalizado ontem, dia 16 de fevereiro, na reitoria da Universidade de Varsóvia, numa cerimónia em que participaram o Presidente do Conselho de Administração do Bank Millennium, a Embaixadora de Portugal em Varsóvia, em representação do Camões I.P., e o Reitor da Universidade de Varsóvia.

“Esta bolsa do Bank Millennium é um prémio generoso para todos aqueles que, na Universidade de Varsóvia, se empenham no estudo da língua portuguesa e da cultura dos países lusófonos. A bolsa permitirá aos estudantes alcançar ainda melhores resultados académicos e viajar até Portugal, onde poderão sentir e viver a língua e a cultura portuguesas. Acredito que esta parceria entre a Universidade de Varsóvia, o Bank Millennium e o Camões I.P., entre uma universidade e os setores público e privado, é extremamente valiosa hoje em dia e, neste caso concreto, muito contribuirá para fortalecer os laços entre os estudantes polacos e a cultura e a língua portuguesas”, explicou a Embaixadora de Portugal em Varsóvia, Dra. Maria Amélia Paiva.

Por sua vez, o Dr. João Brás Jorge, Presidente do Conselho de Administração do Bank Millennium afirmou que “a cooperação com a Universidade de Varsóvia e com o Camões I.P. é extremamente importante para nós. Por um lado, a Universidade de Varsóvia é a melhor e a maior universidade na Polónia, e por outro, o apoio ao desenvolvimento dos estudantes polacos, bem como a difusão da língua portuguesa na Polónia fazem parte da nossa missão de apoio à cultura e à educação. Dado o nosso acionista principal ser português, é particularmente importante para nós apoiar projetos que promovam a história e a cultura de Portugal.”

Bank Millennium, Uniwersytet Warszawski i Instytut Camõesa podpisały protokół o współpracy, na mocy którego Bank Millennium ufunduje w kolejnych latach stypendium dla najlepszego studenta studiów licencjackich w zakresie portugalistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. 

Nauczanie języka i kultury portugalskiej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim zostało wczoraj umocnione wsparciem Banku Millenium, który przez najbliższe 3 lata będzie przyznawał stypendium dla najlepszego studenta sekcji portugalskiej w Instytucie Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich.

Instytut Camõesa przedstawił inicjatywę dwóm pozostałym partnerom, którzy natychmiast ją zaakceptowali. Umowa została podpisana wczoraj, 16 lutego, w rektoracie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, podczas uroczystości, w której uczestniczyli Prezes Zarządu Banku Millenium, Pani Ambasador Portugalii w Warszawie w imieniu Instytutu Camõesa oraz Rektor Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

“Stypendium Banku Millennium to hojna nagroda dla tych, którzy chcą poświęcić się studiowaniu języka i kultury krajów języka portugalskiego na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Stypendium pozwoli studentom osiągać lepsze wyniki w nauce i da im możliwość wyjazdu do Portugalii, gdzie będą mogli doświadczyć języka i kultury. Myślę, że partnerstwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Banku Millennium i Instytutu Camõesa – partnerstwo między uczelnią wyższą a sektorem publicznym i prywatnym, jest dziś niezwykle cenne i umacnia związki pomiędzy polskimi studentami a językiem i kulturą  portugalską powiedziała Maria Amélia Paiva, Ambasador Portugalii w Polsce.

João Brás Jorge, Prezes Zarządu Banku Millenium, dodał: “Współpraca z Uniwersytetem Warszawskim i Instytutem Camõesa ma dla nas duże znaczenie. Uniwersytet Warszawski jest najlepszą i największą uczelnią wyższą w Polsce. Wspieranie rozwoju polskich studentów oraz upowszechnianie języka portugalskiego w Polsce doskonale współgra z naszą misją wspierania kultury i edukacji. Z uwagi na naszego głównego akcjonariusza, widzimy szczególną rolę Banku Millennium we wspieraniu przedsięwzięć promujących historię i kulturę Portugalii.”

Camões I.P.

Mota-Engil wins another big contract in Poland

The best offer for the tender for the “Construction of the expressway S5 Poznan – Wroclaw, section Radomicko – Kaczkowo, stage I Radomicko (without junction ) – Leszno South” was submited by Mota-Engil Central Europe S.A. The value of the project is more than 440 million pln.


The contractor will construct a dual carriageway expressway S5 with a length of over 19 km, with two lanes and two road junctions in the S5. The task will also include reconstruction of roads, construction of parallel access roads, construction Service Areas Wilkowice West, the construction of sixteen engineering objects, road drainage, lighting and environmental protection equipment.

Mota-Engil: 70 years building a history with future

Mota-Engil Group, one of the biggest European construction companies, celebrates this year its 70th anniversary.

Founded in 1946, Mota-Engil Group is today a multinational organization with operations focused on construction and infrastructure management in the segments of Engineering and Construction, Environment and Services (waste, water, ports, logistics, energy and maintenance), Transport Concessions (highways, bridges and underground transportation) and Mining.

As a leader in Portugal, with a consolidated position in the ranking of the 30 largest European construction Groups, Mota-Engil is making its mark on 3 continents and 22 countries, in three distinct geographical areas – Europe, Africa and Latin America. In Poland, Mota-Engil has been present for over 19 years. Mota-Engil assumes its  position in the market according to the values and cultural identity of the organisation, grounded in a unique and integrated strategic vision for the future.