This project Master Export – Internationalization of the Metalworking and Habitat Industry in Águeda, Vale de Cambra and Arouca aims to support SMEs in Filieras with an impact in the North and Center Coast regions of Portugal in terms of prospecting the international market.
Master Export is a project developed in the scope of the FEDER, with the objective of promoting and supporting the internationalization of these sectors in five target markets, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg and Poland, in which this institutional mission to the Polish market fits, taking place from November 8th to 11th, 2021.
The Associação Empresarial de Águeda (AEA) will be represented by vice president Óscar Mendes and Patrícia Gonçalves, (technician responsible for supporting the foreign market). The Associação Empresarial de Cambra e Arouca (AECA), will be represented by vice president Abel Oliveira and technical coordinator Célia Oliveira. She will be accompanied by Adriano Fidalgo, from Astrolábio – Orientação e Estratégia, S.A., as project consultant.
On the 8th, the mission will include a visit to the Industry Week Fair – International Fair for Innovative Industrial Solutions, https://industryweek.pl/, organized since 2016 at Ptak Warsaw Expo. A huge space with several themed showrooms that allow you to learn about new products and solutions from the main sectors of industry in Poland. On the 9th, meeting with Wschodni Klaster Obróbki Metali http://wschodniklaster.pl/ in Lublin (metalworking). On the 10th, meeting with Polski Związek Pracodawców Budownictwa www.pzpb.com.pl (habitat), and with Związek Pracodawców Producentów Materiałów dla Budownictwa www.dlabudownictwa.pl (habitat); in the afternoon, meeting with Klaster Innowacyjnych Technologii w Wytwarzaniu www.cinnomatech.pl.
Therefore, Master Export presents itself with the mission of „supporting companies from both regions in successful internationalization processes” by creating export channels to countries with high potential and geographically close and enabling them to present themselves in these markets with goods of greater technological incorporation.