On behalf of our Member PwC Polska and AICPA&CIMA, we would like to invite you to a series of meetings dedicated to financial directors on how to best prepare companies for sustainable development reporting.
Reporting sustainable development is a big challenge for financial directors. That’s why PwC Polska decided to organize practical meetings during which they will share their knowledge and experiences with experts and other CFOs.
The series of meetings includes:
• June 14th – meeting on due diligence in reporting
• September 27th – meeting devoted to the management board’s responsibility for reporting on sustainable development
• October 4th – meeting devoted to report certification and technology supporting reporting
Meeting formula:
• 10:00-12:00 – presentation of issues and discussion
• 12:00-14:00 – continuation of exchange of experiences during lunch
The meetings will be held at the PwC office at Polna 11 street in Warsaw.
Please sign up for the entire series of meetings via the registration form.
Meetings will be held in Polish.