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Important recommendations and relevant news from PPCC Member companies

05-05-2020 MembersNews

PPCC presents the most important recommendations and relevant news from our Member companies in Poland, Portugal, and Brazil. Below please find the selection of such news.
If you’d like to share similar info please send it to Wojciech Baczyński (wb@ppcc.pl) or Sylwia Królak (sk@ppcc.pl).

Deloitte – The consumer goods industry should be ready to act in a post-viral reality. Experts of Deloitte have selected three phases, which due to the current situation, are undergoing companies from the mentioned industry

Fiabilis Consulting Group Sp. z o.o. – as a PPCC member for all member companies that are interested in implementing mechanisms related to employee remuneration costs financing provided in  “Anti-Crisis Shield” (Tarcza Antykryzosowa), has prepared a dedicated calculator that allows estimating in easy and fast way possibilities of implementing the mechanism in the organization from the point of view of current regulations. You can download and use calculator for free: Click here

PwC – has made available the “Digital Fitness Assessment” educational application that develops and strengthens digital skills

Mota-Engil Central Europe – will build a section of the new S1 Express Road Mysłowice-Bielsko-Biała leading from Oświęcim to Dankowice

Eurocash – Wholesale remains strong, and retail improves results. Eurocash results for 2019 positively surprised the stock market experts (Nobel Securities) who forecast that this trend should be maintained


Bank Millennium –  has signed an agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, under which medium and large companies will be able to take advantage of support in the form of guarantees from the Liquidity Guarantee Fund

Advicero Nexia – took 4th place in the category of medium-sized tax advisory companies in the prestigious Ranking of Tax Companies and Advisers 2020 organized by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Santander Polska – will accept applications for financial assistance from the Polish Development Fund (PFR) through online banking. The bank also provides a special service, which includes a calculator to estimate the amount of the subsidy

Raposo Bernardo & Associados – was the law firm invited by IFLR – International Financial Law Review to prepare the Portugal chapter of M&A Report 2020

Andersen Tax & Legal – How to avoid bankruptcy during a pandemic, i.e. restructuring proceedings

CCA Law Firm – Tomás Assis Teixeira, Coordinator of the Tourism and Leisure area of practice at CCA talks about the role of tourism in the post-covid-19 crisis 

DZP– was awarded for two court cases in the 14th Ranking of Tax Advisory Firms by Rzeczpospolita

Garrigues – won the IFLR award for ‘Law firm of the Year’. This is the seventh time the firm has been singled out for this award

Kochański & Partners – published a guide by Anna Gwiazda in which we will find information about co-financing of remuneration for employees of those entrepreneurs who have experienced a decline in economic turnover

KW KRUK AND PARTNERS LAW FIRM LP – presents an article by Jarosław Kruk about Prospects for the modernization of the Armed Forces in crisis

Stocche Forbes Advogados – Market for the acquisition of lawsuit credits grows with the crisis

Agility – Despite the difficulties associated with the pandemic situation, the Agility team managed to transport two rotors from Sweden to Poland. After maintenance rotors will come back to the power plant in Sweden

Gremi / Rzeczpospolita – without layoffs and wage cuts, but with a smaller volume

MLEKOVITA – informs about record exports in the first quarter of 2020

Jeronimo Martins – Last year, the owner of the Biedronka store chain – Jeronimo Martins Polska – recorded a net profit of over PLN 2 billion. After a successful period, the company plans to open 100 new stores

DFJ VINHOS,S.A. – is a Portugal Winery of the Year 2020 in the Berlin International Wine Competition 2020

Admind Sp. z o.o. – has joined as a partner to the #Niezwalniajmy campaign to jointly find solutions that will help protect as many jobs as possible