PPCC Advisory Board inaugural meeting was held on the 17th September, in Bank Millennium Headquarters, in Warsaw, at 6 pm. The meeting was attended by Mr. Pedro Pereira da Silva (PPCC President), Her Excellency Maria Amélia Paiva (Ambassador of the Republic of Portugal to Poland), His Excellency Bronisław Misztal (Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Portugal), Mr. João Brás Jorge (President of Bank Millennium), Mr. Walter Portela Cassul (Commercial Section of the Ambassy of the Republic of Angola in Warsaw), Ms. Lidia Gądek (President of the Polish-Portuguese Parliamentary Group), Ms. Katarzyna Skórzyńska (Director of Diplomatic Institute), Mr. Piotr Komorowski (President of Bakoma S.A.), Mr. Nuno Lima Leite (Director AICEP Warsaw), Mr. Vitor Pinto (PPCC Vice-President), Mr. Christian Minzolini (PPCC Board Member), Mr. Paulo Silva (PPCC Board Member), Mr. Tiago Costa (PPCC Board Member) and Mr. Wojciech Baczyński (PPCC Secretary General).
Apologized: His Excellency Domingos Culolo (Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to Poland), His Excellency Amadeu Conceição (Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to Poland), His Excellency Alfredo Leoni (Ambassador of Republic of Brazil to Poland), Mr. Andrzej Arendarski (President of KIG) Mr. Manuel Mota (CEO of Mota-Engil Central Europe) and Mr. Romuald Kinda (President of Navimor).
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