The following is what you can do to help them get there quickly and safely!
1. Register them at the Portuguese Embassy in Warsaw
The Embassy coordinates many of the free transportation to Portugal actions organized by
Portuguese non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and organizes the transports itself in
response to demand. These are air and ground transports. It can be for example a chartered flight
to Lublin airport (as was the case a few days ago – it took almost 300 people), a seat on a
scheduled flight e.g. TAP from Warsaw to Lisbon, or a bus.
Send an e-mail to the embassy at varsovia@mne.pt with the following details:
– first and last name of persons in Latin notation (our letters);
– type of documents they have + their copies like photo/scan;
– telephone and contact e-mail;
– place of stay of the persons.
Fill out the form created by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministério dos Negócios
Estrangeiros) which, in addition to registering with the embassy for transport to Portugal, will
initiate the process of obtaining temporary protection status in Portugal.
Form in English:
Form in Ukrainian:
Form in Portuguese:
2. Search for private initiatives
The Portuguese organize a lot of aid actions from the bottom up. Often, even in small towns in
Portugal create a collection of needed things, collect funds and then head to bring this support to
the border with Ukraine, and on the way back pick up people willing to go to Portugal. Often,
having already collected donations, having funds for the travel, they do not know where exactly to
go to deliver them. Whether to Poland or Romania? To which cities, or directly to the border? You
can make their task easier by announcing that you are a group of people and you are waiting for
transport to Portugal in a given city. This will help them determine the route and pick you up from
I will attach here a list of Portuguese aid groups on Facebook that I know, in which you can report
that you want to go, where you are and how many people. Write in English, Portuguese speak
English well. There are also a lot of Ukrainians, you can write in Ukrainian.
Please, remember. Warn Ukrainian people who decide to use the private initiative to take photos
of the license plate of the car and the driver with their ID/driving license in order to send this data
to their relatives. This is a precautionary measure, but safety is crucial, it is mostly women with
children who travel. Unlike transports organized officially with the support of the authorities, these
are beyond any control.
3. Transportation on your own for those with the financial means to purchase a ticket
On their own to Portugal by air can get Ukrainians who have biometric passports or in the
absence of this document, having a special permit issued only in emergency situations by the
Embassy of Portugal – Título de Viagem Única, TVU. In case of transport by land, there is no
requirement to have any of these documents.
4. Flixbus has free tickets for refugees on the route from
Przemyśl/Rzeszów to EU countries
5. Wizzair offers a pool of 100,000 tickets for refugees to be used in March
6. Where to find out more + important contacts
Portugal has implemented aid measures, such as temporary protection status in Portugal for
Ukrainian refugees for 12 months with the possibility of extension, access to health care and the
labor market. More information: https://portugalforukraine.gov.pt/
Portuguese governmental units coordinating aid efforts for refugees from Ukraine:
Consular Crisis Unit
Gabinete de Emergência Consular
High Commission for Migration
Alto Comissariado para as Migrações
Phone: +351 218 106 191 (in Ukrainian language)
+351 217 929 714
+351 961 706 472
sosucrania@acm.gov.pt (you can write in Ukrainian)
Embassy of Portugal in Warsaw
Phone +(48 22) 511 10 10/11/12
Back-up Phone + (48) 781 159 430