+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl

Culture & tourism

Bank Millennium, University of Warsaw and Camões I.P. sign a cooperation protocol

The promotion of the Portuguese culture and language at the University of Warsaw, was reinforced with the support of Bank Millennium, who accepted to finance, during the 3 next years, a scholarship to the best student of the Bachelors in Portuguese Studies in the Institute of Iberian and Ibero-American Studies of the University of Warsaw.

“This Bank Millennium scholarship is a generous reward to all those who commit themselves to the study of the Portuguese language and the culture of the Portuguese-speaking countries, at the University of Warsaw. The scholarship will allow the students to achieve even better academic results and travel to Portugal, where they will be able to feel and live the Portuguese language and culture”, stated Mr. João Brás Jorge, President of the Administration Board of Bank Millennium, after the ceremony.



(left to right)
Mr. João Brás Jorge, President of the Administration Board of Bank Millennium
Her Excellency Ms. Maria Amélia Paiva, Ambassador of Portugal to Poland
Professor Marcin Pałys, Rector of the University of Warsaw

O Bank Millennium, a Universidade de Varsóvia e o Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, assinaram um protocolo de cooperação para a atribuição de uma bolsa de estudos ao melhor estudante da licenciatura em Estudos Portugueses da Universidade de Varsóvia. 

A formação em língua e cultura portuguesas na Universidade de Varsóvia ficou reforçada ontem com o apoio do Bank Millennium na Polónia, que aceitou financiar, durante os próximos 3 anos, uma bolsa de estudos para o/a melhor estudante do curso de licenciatura em Estudos Portugueses do Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-americanos da Universidade de Varsóvia.

O projeto foi apresentado pelo Camões I.P. aos outros dois parceiros, que prontamente o aceitaram, e foi formalizado ontem, dia 16 de fevereiro, na reitoria da Universidade de Varsóvia, numa cerimónia em que participaram o Presidente do Conselho de Administração do Bank Millennium, a Embaixadora de Portugal em Varsóvia, em representação do Camões I.P., e o Reitor da Universidade de Varsóvia.

“Esta bolsa do Bank Millennium é um prémio generoso para todos aqueles que, na Universidade de Varsóvia, se empenham no estudo da língua portuguesa e da cultura dos países lusófonos. A bolsa permitirá aos estudantes alcançar ainda melhores resultados académicos e viajar até Portugal, onde poderão sentir e viver a língua e a cultura portuguesas. Acredito que esta parceria entre a Universidade de Varsóvia, o Bank Millennium e o Camões I.P., entre uma universidade e os setores público e privado, é extremamente valiosa hoje em dia e, neste caso concreto, muito contribuirá para fortalecer os laços entre os estudantes polacos e a cultura e a língua portuguesas”, explicou a Embaixadora de Portugal em Varsóvia, Dra. Maria Amélia Paiva.

Por sua vez, o Dr. João Brás Jorge, Presidente do Conselho de Administração do Bank Millennium afirmou que “a cooperação com a Universidade de Varsóvia e com o Camões I.P. é extremamente importante para nós. Por um lado, a Universidade de Varsóvia é a melhor e a maior universidade na Polónia, e por outro, o apoio ao desenvolvimento dos estudantes polacos, bem como a difusão da língua portuguesa na Polónia fazem parte da nossa missão de apoio à cultura e à educação. Dado o nosso acionista principal ser português, é particularmente importante para nós apoiar projetos que promovam a história e a cultura de Portugal.”

Bank Millennium, Uniwersytet Warszawski i Instytut Camõesa podpisały protokół o współpracy, na mocy którego Bank Millennium ufunduje w kolejnych latach stypendium dla najlepszego studenta studiów licencjackich w zakresie portugalistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. 

Nauczanie języka i kultury portugalskiej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim zostało wczoraj umocnione wsparciem Banku Millenium, który przez najbliższe 3 lata będzie przyznawał stypendium dla najlepszego studenta sekcji portugalskiej w Instytucie Studiów Iberyjskich i Iberoamerykańskich.

Instytut Camõesa przedstawił inicjatywę dwóm pozostałym partnerom, którzy natychmiast ją zaakceptowali. Umowa została podpisana wczoraj, 16 lutego, w rektoracie Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, podczas uroczystości, w której uczestniczyli Prezes Zarządu Banku Millenium, Pani Ambasador Portugalii w Warszawie w imieniu Instytutu Camõesa oraz Rektor Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

“Stypendium Banku Millennium to hojna nagroda dla tych, którzy chcą poświęcić się studiowaniu języka i kultury krajów języka portugalskiego na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Stypendium pozwoli studentom osiągać lepsze wyniki w nauce i da im możliwość wyjazdu do Portugalii, gdzie będą mogli doświadczyć języka i kultury. Myślę, że partnerstwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Banku Millennium i Instytutu Camõesa – partnerstwo między uczelnią wyższą a sektorem publicznym i prywatnym, jest dziś niezwykle cenne i umacnia związki pomiędzy polskimi studentami a językiem i kulturą  portugalską powiedziała Maria Amélia Paiva, Ambasador Portugalii w Polsce.

João Brás Jorge, Prezes Zarządu Banku Millenium, dodał: “Współpraca z Uniwersytetem Warszawskim i Instytutem Camõesa ma dla nas duże znaczenie. Uniwersytet Warszawski jest najlepszą i największą uczelnią wyższą w Polsce. Wspieranie rozwoju polskich studentów oraz upowszechnianie języka portugalskiego w Polsce doskonale współgra z naszą misją wspierania kultury i edukacji. Z uwagi na naszego głównego akcjonariusza, widzimy szczególną rolę Banku Millennium we wspieraniu przedsięwzięć promujących historię i kulturę Portugalii.”

Camões I.P.

PPCC gives patronage to “Patka and Pepe – Aventura Brasileira”

Coming this December – “Patka and Pepe. Aventura Brasileira” – yet another amazing adventure from the detective series written by Aga Szczepanska. This time Patka and Pepe are solving crimes in the tropical Brazil!!!

Our two main young detectives, under the watchful eye of uncle Wężowski, land in Rio de Janeiro and embark on an incredible journey along the coastline down to Sao Paulo, attracting along the way, a chain of unexpected and tangling affairs. Who’s the mysterious Flamengo kid? Why is the dog wearing shoes? And what does the famous footballer have to do with this? What are the Whiners-Complainers so afraid of? Is the Bird Queen going to save the Dreamer? And will our tiny heroes manage to solve this mystery and help their friends? As usual, illustrations made by Marsija and the mind blowing cover page created by an artist from Brazil.

Author of the cover: Cassio Markowski-Ferreira

It’s our great pleasure to inform that the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce has conceded its Patronage to “Patka and Pepe. Aventura Brasileira”.

(Print house Studio Moema – Warsaw 2015, hard cover, 176 pages, ISBN 978-83-933072-6-5).


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PPCC Wines of Portugal Tasting for the first time in Warsaw

Warsaw, 24th September 2015


Wines of Portugal Tasting for the first time in Warsaw.


On the 8th October, Warsaw will host a special event – Wines of Portugal Tasting. The event is organized by The Polish – Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC), for the first time in cooperation with ViniPortugal – The Professional Association of the Portuguese Wine Industry. In order to ensure a high quality wine trade event, the organizers are inviting top wine industry professionals (sommeliers, importers and restaurant owners) for a Masterclass and to taste Portuguese wines of the highest quality.


The first Polish edition of Wines of Portugal Tasting will take place in the InterContinental Warsaw Hotel.


This is another event – following the Portuguese Week “Flavours of Portugal”, organized annually in May – aimed at promoting Portugal in Poland. Wines of Portugal Tasting will be a great opportunity for Polish wine industry professionals to meet producers of fine wines from Portugal, to deepen their knowledge of the market and to establish business relations in one day and in one place – said PPCC Secretary General, Wojciech Baczyński.


Portuguese wines are produced from unique types of grapes that are not grown anywhere else. Although Portugal is a small country, it encompasses a wide range of microclimates which provides a diversity of wine styles. As a result, Portuguese wines are excellent both in combination with food, and solo. Portugal’s 14 growing regions produce 250 different grape types used in the production of white, red and rosé wines. The most popular and unique Portuguese varieties are: Alvarinho, Arinto, Encruzado and Fernão Pires (white varieties) and Baga, Castelão, Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional, Trincadeira and Aragonez (red varieties).


The wide range of Portuguese grapes and its characteristic acidity result in a great potential for wine and food pairing. Portuguese wine can be an excellent component of every dish. The wine making tradition of Portugal dates back about 4,000 years – such long experience is a guarantee of safety. The new generations of Portuguese winemakers combine tradition with dynamic modernity. Portuguese wines are gaining global recognition: their top quality resulted in 8 out of 10 Portuguese wines registered in international wine challenges winning an award.


During the Wines of Portugal Tasting event the following producers will present their wines: Adega Ponte de Lima; Agrimota – Sociedade Agrícola e Florestal, S.A.; Anselmo Mendes Vinhos, Lda.; Caminhos Cruzados, Lda.; Casa Agrícola Alexandre Relvas Lda.; Casa Santos Lima – Companhia das Vinhas; Cortes de Cima, S.A.; Coteaux da Murta-Bucelas S.Unip Lda.; Dão Sul – Sociedade Vitivinícola, S.A.; Esporão Vendas e Marketing; Ewine, Lda; Fiuza & Bright – Sociedade Vitivinícola, Lda.; João Teodósio Matos Barbosa & Filhos, Lda.; João Portugal Ramos Vinhos, S.A.; José Maria da Fonseca Vinhos, S.A.; Luís Pato, Unipessoal, Lda.; Mouchão; Niepoort Vinhos S.A.; Quinta da Alorna Vinhos Lda.; Quinta da Plansel; Quinta da Murta – Bucelas; Quinta de Curvos – Sociedade Agrícola, S.A.; Quinta do; Crasto, S.A.; ROZÈS, S.A.; SAVEN S.A.; Sensi Wine Lda.; Serrano Mira Sociedade Vinícola S.A.; Soc. Agrícola Casal de Ventozela S.A.; Vinusoalleirus, Lda.; WWS – Wine With Spirit, S.A.


Schedule of the event:


10:00 am – 11:30 am : Commented tasting (Masterclass) of Portuguese fine wines for professionals.

12:00 am – 1:30pm : Commented tasting (Masterclass) of Portuguese fine wines for   professionals.

2:30 pm – 4:30pm Tasting of Portuguese fine wines for professionals.

5:00 pm – 8:00pm Wine tasting for the open public.


For further information please contact:



The Polish – Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC), founded in 2008 in Warsaw, is an independent, non-profit organization that sets out to promote the interests of its ca. 200 member companies in respect to the commercial links between businesses in Poland, Portugal and the Portuguese speaking countries. The Chamber of Commerce offers support in the establishment of commercial contacts, match-making, ad hoc legal advice, organization of individual and group trade missions, market research, training and recruitment services. Our members are the main Portuguese companies operating in the Polish market, Polish businesses that already maintain, or plan to establish business relations with the Portuguese market, as well as multinational companies. The President of the PPCC is Mr. Pedro Pereira da Silva, Chief Operations Officer at Jerónimo Martins Group and Country Manager in Poland.

ViniPortugal is the Interprofessional Association of the Portuguese Wine Industry and the entity managing the brand Wines of Portugal. Its aim is to promote the image of Portugal as a wine producing country par excellence by valuing the brand Wines of Portugal. Founded in 1997 as a private non-profit association, it groups leading associations and professional organizations representing the trade (ANCEVE and ACIBEV), production (FENAVI and FEVIPOR), cooperative wineries (FENADEGAS), distillers (AND), farmers (CAP) and demarcated regions (ANDOVI). Through ViniPortugal, the brand Wines of Portugal is consistently present in 4 continents and 11 strategic markets. With an annual investment of around 7 million Euros, ViniPortugal carries out over 100 annual Portuguese wine promotional actions involving around 350 national wine producers.


Lisbon hotel boom

The Portuguese capital is this year set to open a total of 21 new hotels, having already seen 12 new hotels welcome guests over the first eight months of the year.

According to figures released by newspaper Diário de Notícias this morning, the number of hotels has risen from 163 in 2014 to 175 this year, with that number set to rise to 184 before the end of the year.

The need for more hotels in Lisbon has become increasingly apparent, and was last year the city which recorded the biggest annual growth in terms of nights spent in hotels.


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