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Celebrations of the 10th anniversary of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC). Joao Bras Jorge elected once again for President of the Chamber.

11-05-2018 Events

On May 10th 2018  the General Assembly of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) approved the appointment of Mr. Joao Bras Jorge, Chairman of the Management Board of Bank Millennium, as the new President of the Management Board of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce for the period of 2018-2020.

On the same evening, a ceremonial cocktail was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the PPCC, with special participation of:


Mr. Paulo Alexandre Ferreira, Deputy Minister of Economy of Portugal;

Mr. Andrzej Stanisławek, Senator of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Parliamentary Cooperation Group Poland-Portugal;

Mr. Jacek Junosza-Kisielewski, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Lisbon Mr. Joao Pedro Guimaraes, Secretary General of the Portuguese National Chamber of Commerce, based in Lisbon;


as well as representatives of the public administration of the Republic of Poland and PPCC member companies.

At the same time, a new PPCC management was elected, consisting of representatives of selected member companies of the Chamber, including Jeronimo Martins Poland, Eurocash, Mota-Engil Central Europe, EDP-R, Martifer Renewables, Bakoma, Haitong, Parfois, Colep Polska, Domański Zakrzewski Palinka, LPR and Browary Łódzkie.

A detailed composition of the new board of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce is available at www.ppcc.pl.

For more information, please contact:
Wojciech Baczyński, Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
Email: wb@ppcc.pl
Tel: +48 696 760 925