+48 22 400 76 60 info@ppcc.pl

The Portuguese Week “Flavours of Portugal” 2022

23-05-2022 Culture & tourismEvents

Today, the Portuguese Week “Flavours of Portugal” is getting started, the biggest event promoting Portuguese products and culture in Eastern Europe. The event will be held at InterContinental Warsaw Hotel and will last the whole week!

In 2019, during the last edition before the pandemic, the event welcomed over 1000 visitors, among them our Sponsors’ business partners and representatives of key Polish business organisations and companies.

Every night regional dinners prepared by top Portuguese Chefs will be served to our Sponsors and their guests. Before the dinners, all guests are invited to enjoy a tasting of some exquisite Portuguese products and wines, and after that, prize lotteries and fado concerts.

To celebrate its 12th anniversary we want to make the 2022 Flavours of Portugal the biggest and the most interesting and exciting event ever, and we are sure it will be a wonderful time for all of the participants.  

Eleições Legislativas 2022 em Portugal – comunicado

10-11-2021 EventsNews

No contexto das Eleições antecipadas para a Assembleia da República, comunica-se a todos os eleitores residentes e inscritos no recenseamento eleitoral na Polónia que:

Atendendo ao definido na alínea g) do artigo 12.º da Lei n.º 47/2018, de 13 de agosto, que consagra o direito de opção dos eleitores residentes no estrangeiro entre votar presencialmente ou votar por via postal nas eleições para a Assembleia da República, a Embaixada de Portugal em Varsóvia informa que os eleitores recenseados na Polónia que não exerçam o seu direito de opção por votar presencialmente até à data da convocação do ato eleitoral (publicação do Decreto Presidencial em Diário da República), votam necessariamente por correspondência (via postal).

Neste último caso, o boletim de voto será enviado para a morada de residência na Polónia, que consta no Recenseamento eleitoral. O eleitor, depois de preencher o boletim de voto, deverá remetê-lo por correio, sem custos, para o remetente em Portugal. É assim importante que confirme qual a morada que consta no Caderno Eleitoral.

Por favor consulte os seus dados de eleitor no seguinte link https://www.recenseamento.mai.gov.pt/.

Caso pretenda votar presencialmente, a Embaixada de Portugal em Varsóvia agradece aos cidadãos nacionais residentes e inscritos no recenseamento eleitoral que pretendam exercer o referido direito, de nos informarem com a maior brevidade, considerando que tal só será possível até à publicação em Diário da República da data da realização das eleições. Para o efeito, deverão os eleitores indicar esta sua opção pelo voto presencial para o e-mail da Secção Consular (sconsular.varsovia@mne.pt), indicando ainda o seu nome completo, número de cartão de cidadão e data de nascimento.

A possibilidade de opção pelo voto presencial cessará no dia em que ocorra a publicação do Decreto Presidencial em Diário da República.

Change of Address of Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

27-08-2021 Events

It is with pleasure that the PPCC announces the change of its office and mailing address to a new location:

Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
ul. Puławska 14
02-512 Warsaw

From the 30th of August 2021, we kindly ask you to change our address on your records and send any communications to our new office.

If you need any further information about this change, please contact us at info@ppcc.pl.

We hope to see you soon at our new place! 

PPCC Trade Mission to São Paulo

08-07-2021 Bez kategoriiBusiness missionEvents

We have the pleasure to announce the presential PPCC Business Mission to São Paulo (ENG) that will take place on 27 November – 03 December 2021.

The PPCC Business Mission to São Paulo is the perfect occasion to personally assess business opportunities in Brazil and find potential business partners in the market. This is the 7th time we are organizing a business mission to São Paulo. We are organizing this business mission with the FecomercioSP – the largest and very well-connected trade and service federation of São Paulo state. The business mission will have a strong B2B focus, with individual meetings with potential Brazilian business partners at their offices, according to each Polish company’s expectations, and will include a pragmatic seminar about Brazilian tax laws, certification, and procedures.


In order to pre-register your company in the Trade Mission to São Paulo, please fill in the form available HERE. Final decisions on participation until 30th September 2021. The payment for participation is due until 8th October 2021. Submitting the form does not confirm the participation of the company in the mission. The PPCC reserves the right to cancel the mission if the minimum number of participants is not reached or due to pandemic situation. The maximum number of companies is 6, for quality of service reasons.

If you wish to learn more about the Trade Mission to São Paulo (methodology, references), please kindly contact:

Wojciech Baczyński, PPCC General Director – wb (at) ppcc.pl, mobile: +48 696 760 925.

Targi Kielce – International Trade Fairs & Exhibitions

15-06-2021 Events

The PPCC would like to invite you to a series of exhibitions and trade fairs organized by our Member company Targi Kielce. Their calendar for the autumn is full of interesting events such as the 24th International Fair of Plastics and Rubber Processing, 5th International Health and Beauty Expo, 4th International Auto Part and Accessory Exhibition, and much more.

We kindly encourage our Polish and foreign Members, as well as other entities interested in the topic, to participate in the events!

PPCC & PwC Workshop: Digital employer – how to serve employees who are not in the office?

15-04-2021 EventsSeminars and conferences

Today the PPCC, in cooperation with a Member company PwC, organized a virtual workshop entitled “Digital Employer – how to serve employees who are not in the office”.
The purpose of the event was to show employers how and when digital tools may be used and helpful in building a successful relationship with their employees.
The PPCC would like to thank all the participants for their interest and active involvement during the workshop and, above all, the PwC Experts and our Board Member Mr Tiago Costa who hosted the event.

Report from the meeting with Mr Piechowiak.

26-03-2021 Economy & FinanceEventsSeminars and conferences

On 24th March took place an online meeting with Government Plenipotentiary for Foreign Investments Mr Grzegorz Piechowiak. The meeting was organized by the Belgian Business Chamber, that currently leads the International Group of Chambers of Commerce, of which we are a Member.

Please, find under the link a report from the meeting – a summary of the minister’s speech and answers to the questions that were asked on Wednesday during the conference.

Thank you all for the attendance and we encourage you to participate in our future events.

PPCC Annual General Meeting 2019

29-03-2019 EventsMembersNews

On the 28th of March, the PPCC Annual General Meeting took place. We welcome Mr. Artur Violante in representation of Martifer Group and Mr. Joaquim Barbosa in representation of EDP Poland as new management board members of the PPCC.

PPCC Business Mission to Lisbon | 13-17 May 2019

14-01-2019 EventsNews

We have the pleasure to announce the PPCC Business Mission to Lisbon  which will take place on 13-17 May 2019.

The PPCC Business Mission to Lisbon is the perfect occasion to personally assess business opportunities in Portugal and find potential business partners in the market.

We are organising this business mission with the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP) – well connected and pro-active private business association, supporting the companies since 1834, promoting both national and international development of its members, as well serving as the link between SMEs and large companies.

The business mission will have a strong B2B focus, with individual meetings with potential Portuguese business partners at their offices, according to each Polish company’s expectations, and will include pragmatic seminar about Portuguese and Portuguese-speaking markets.  We believe a strong awareness of the market’s reality is of the utmost importance for sustainable success.

Enclosed, we are sending the detailed offer. If you are interested in taking part in this Business Mission, please fill in the form below (filling in the form does not oblige you to take part in the mission):


We encourage you to get to know the Portuguese market and establish direct commercial contacts.

The registration is open until 15th March 2019.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact directly Mr. Wojciech Baczyński, General Director of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce: wb@ppcc.pl,  +48 696 760 925.

Download the offer in English or Polish.

PPCC Business Mission to São Paulo, 7-12 April 2019

03-01-2019 Events

We have the pleasure to announce the PPCC Business Mission to São Paulo which will take place on the 7-12 April 2019.

The PPCC Business Mission to São Paulo is the perfect occasion to personally assess business opportunities in Brazil and find potential business partners in the market. This is the fifth time we are organising a business mission to São Paulo.

We are organising this business mission with the FecomercioSP – the largest and very well-connected trade and service federation of São Paulo state.

The business mission will have a strong B2B focus, with individual meetings with potential Brazilian business partners at their offices, according to each Polish company’s expectations, and will include pragmatic seminar about Brazilian tax laws, certification and procedures. We believe a strong awareness of the market’s reality is of the utmost importance for sustainable success.

Here you can find the detailed offer. If you are interested in taking part in this Business Mission, please fill in the form below (filling in the form does not oblige you to take part in the mission):


We encourage you to get to know the Brazilian market and establish direct commercial contacts.

The registration is open until 15th February 2019.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact directly Mr. Wojciech Baczyński, General Director of the Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce: wb@ppcc.pl, +48 696 760 925.