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Trusted Profile in Bank Millennium

10-01-2017 MembersNews

Bank Millennium’s online banking system can be used to create a Trusted Profile, which gives online access to 7/24 public administration services. Because the customer’s identity is confirmed by the bank, it is not necessary to go to a government office to set up the profile. Customers will logon using the same data as when logging on to Millenet and will authorise their instructions on e-administration websites by logging on to the bank and entering SMS P@ssword.


After the October launch of ZUS Electronic Services Platform via Millenet, implementation of the same method of access to Trusted Profile is another step supporting the development of digital public administration in Poland. We are one of the first banks to offer this possibility. Thanks to the Trusted Profile our customers get secure and very convenient access to more than ten public administration websites. All this in the comfort of your home, simply by logging on to the Bank Millennium online system – Ricardo Campos, Director of the Electronic Banking Department in Bank Millennium said.


Trusted Profile is a free-of-charge electronic signature, which permits handling official business on public administration websites including ePUAP, PUE ZUS, CEIDG etc. The Trusted Profile may be used to:

– register a business,

– submit tax returns, requests and sign documents online,

– report loss or mutilation of a Personal Identity Card,

– obtain copies of vital records (marriage, birth and death certificates),

– apply for European Health Insurance Card,

– apply for a new driving license,

And get many other services provided by e-administration.


The process of setting up the Profile is very simple. You log on to the Millenet online banking system and select Trusted Profile from the My Finances – MilleUrząd menu. Then you give the necessary approvals and check if data in the form are correct (name, surname, PESEL number). The only information, which you must enter manually in the system, is phone number and e-mail address. Finally you will approve setting up the profile with SMS P@ssword. After approval the Trusted Profile will be active and you will be able to logon to e-administration.


Trusted Profile is valid for 3 years. A person may have only one active Trusted Profile, which in practice means that it can be linked to an online banking system of one bank only.


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